- rigid holgrafic screens, rolling, framed, portable projection screens: high quality dynamic projection

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ROLLING screens

ELEGANCE screens are characterised by high quality amazing performace of the projection and a special pleasant rounded design and a particular quality care in their finishes: the heads of the case are rounded to have more elegance effect, the counterweight completely disappears inside the case itself when the surface is rolled up. This closing system guarantees the screen surface protection from dust and damages and the safety-shipment.

The ELEGANCE screens are available as

All ELEGANCE screens can be supplied with five different projection surfaces: Alkorfix White, Alkorfix White Dark Back, Alkorfix Grey, Alkorfix Acoustik, Alkorfix Fumè (for rear projection) and they are all available with black edges and black top (with heights from 5 to 60 cm) except from the Alkorfix Fumè curtain.
The ELEGANCE screens case colours can be
white, black or natural anodized grey and the projection surface drop can be choosed as frontal or rear.

The Elegance screens are available also with FLAT HEADS.

The ELEGANCE screens are avilable on followìing
standard formats but you can also choose you own tailored ratio

ELEGANCE Turnstile whiteELEGANCE motorised with black edgesELEGANCE motorised with black edges and black top


  • Turnstile

  • Motorised with black edges

  • Motorised with black edges and black top
ELEGANCE TENSIO Classic with black edges and black topELEGANCE TENSIO VARIO with black edges and black top

  • ELEGANCE TENSIO Classic with black edges and black top

  • ELEGANCE TENSIO Vario with black edges and black top

ELEGANCE TURNSTILE: particularELEGANCE: particularELEGANCE: particularELEGANCE TENSIO CLASSIC and VARIO: particularELEGANCE CLASSIC: particularELEGANCE TENSIO VARIO: particularELEGANCE caseELEGANCE: wall-mount brackets ELEGANCE: ceiling-mount brackets



  • wall -or ceiling- mount brackets
  • unipolar selector switch for Electric version
  • turnstyle pole for Turnstyle version


  • receiver and RF remote control (modalities: basic, automatic and compatible with domotic systems)
  • receiver and infrared remote control
  • 3-channel remote control for radiointegrated motor
  • cases for remote control
  • bracket extensions (up to 60 cm)
  • motor (or turnstyle pole) position: left side (the standard position is on the righr side)

Technical and mounting system informations:

ELEGANCE with rolling tube of 61mm: section ELEGANCE: wall-ceiling fixing system of both frontal and back dropELEGANCE: ceiling  fixing system of both frontal and back dropELEGANCE: wall-fixing system of both frontal and back dropELEGANCE with rolling tube of 80mm: section ELEGANCE: ceiling  fixing system of both frontal and back dropELEGANCE: ceiling  fixing system of both frontal and back dropELEGANCE: wall fixing system of both frontal and back drop

  • ELEGANCE with rolling tube of 61mm (up to 250 cm base)

  • ELEGANCE with rolling tube of 80mm (from 250 cm base)

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